Another popular Dodge commercial, this spot is easily remembered because of the clever mis-direct and the reveal of the kid on his BMX bike at the end. I originally auditioned to be one of the motorcycle riders, so that’s the job I thought I got when they gave me the part. I hadn’t ridden in a while, so I got on my friend’s Harley and tooled around on it for a couple of hours so I wouldn’t look stupid on the set. Well, I find out from the wardrobe stylist a day before the shoot that I’m actually the guy in the car and that I wouldn’t be riding a bike...I was kind of bummed at first because I wanted to ride, but then the shoot day came...Big Dog Motorcycles brought out these $37,000 choppers with the fattest tires and the longest forks and handlebars you’ve ever seen.
The Big Dog rep and Tom McComas, the stunt coordinator, tell the six riders/actors, “Okay guys...go down the street and back once so we can evaluate your riding skills.” Um...don’t we get a chance to get used to them a little? Nope, not with a $37,000 chopper. Needless to say, one of the poor actors was sent home because he put his feet down in the u-turn, even though he had over 100,000 miles of motorcycle riding under his belt. Not only does that hurt the ego, but the paycheck as well. Glad I was in the car...
DIRECTOR: David Kellogg
LOCATION: Pasadena, CA
© 2011 brandt films inc.